Tropical Town

Batam IDN

The Tropical Town project was developed as a synergy project’ at the Singapore-ETH Centre’s Future Cities Laboratory (FCL), with the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Indonesia.
Public Space Full
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Public Space Full
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The project was developed in three phases

Phase I involved a set of exploratory studies conducted through three workshops held in Batam and Singapore (February and July 2011, and February 2012); a design studio run through the Department of Architecture at the National University of Singapore (September-November 2011). This was followed by an intensive design workshop at Future Cities Laboratory at the Singapore-ETH Centre (December 2011-March 2012). Results of Phase 1 were presented at a number of national forums, including the 5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, Making City’ (April 2012), and at international conferences at Engelberg, Switzerland (September 2012), at the Smart City: The Next Generation’ exhibition and symposium at the AEDES Gallery, Berlin (17 May‑4 July 2013), and at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland (2225 January 2014).

Phase II of the project involved detailed design development, and results were presented at a Symposium entitled Future City Jakarta’ supported by the Swiss Embassy, and the Provincial Government of Jakarta (DKI) (225 November 2014).

Phase III of the project involves piloting and implementation and began in 2016.

Tropical Town Seed Units

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Tropical Town Seed Unit Growth

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The Concentration Dilemma
Chengdu CHN