Tropical Town
Batam IDN
The project was developed in three phases
Phase I involved a set of exploratory studies conducted through three workshops held in Batam and Singapore (February and July 2011, and February 2012); a design studio run through the Department of Architecture at the National University of Singapore (September-November 2011). This was followed by an intensive design workshop at Future Cities Laboratory at the Singapore-ETH Centre (December 2011-March 2012). Results of Phase 1 were presented at a number of national forums, including the 5th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, ‘Making City’ (April 2012), and at international conferences at Engelberg, Switzerland (September 2012), at the ‘Smart City: The Next Generation’ exhibition and symposium at the AEDES Gallery, Berlin (17 May‑4 July 2013), and at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland (22−25 January 2014).
Phase II of the project involved detailed design development, and results were presented at a Symposium entitled ‘Future City Jakarta’ supported by the Swiss Embassy, and the Provincial Government of Jakarta (DKI) (2−25 November 2014).
Phase III of the project involves piloting and implementation and began in 2016.