Systems thinking
Public space
Technological transitions

MAPS for Gender Sensitive Urban Planning

Bandung ID

In collaboration with Future Women Initiative (FCFWI), the project investigated strategies for improving gender sensitivity in urban planning using a geospatial-based planning support tool in the city of Bandung, Indonesia.
client: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
designTeam: Stephen Cairns, Devisari Tunas, Akino Tahir and Rosita Samsudin with Khairani Mardhiah, Edriana Prasetyawati, and Muhammad Eka Kurniawan

In collaboration with Future Women Initiative (FCFWI), the project investigated strategies for improving gender sensitivity in urban planning using a geospatial-based planning support tool in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. The project incorporated identification of key triggers that would accelerate women’s participation in urban governance and enhance their productivity.

Phase I of the project involved capacity building in Bandung city to use ur-scape for planning purposes and improve the sustainability of the system

Phase II supported the local municipal government to enhance gender sensitive planning through planning scenario development workshops. Four dimensions of gender mainstreaming in urban planning were identified to guide city makers in setting plan­ning priorities and strategies. The four dimensions include Mobility, Accessibility, Participation, Safe and Security (MAPS).

Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Scenario 4
1 of 4
Group photo
Metropolitan Spatial Planning Framework (MSPF)
South Sumatra